Privacy & Services

Our website regulations and code of ethics 
and other things you should know

The regulations below are not “standard” regulations. We did not copy it from anywhere but wrote it mainly from the heart (with good advice from professionals).
Our goal in writing the regulations is first of all to provide excellent service, but also to tell you, the users, what is happening on the site – so that you understand the meaning of using it and joining the course.

Our vision
Improving the quality of life, empowering and increasing the sense of meaning in marginalized populations with the help of technology

Our goals

  1. Teaching digital literacy to the third age with an emphasis on the use of smartphones
  2. Granting technological readiness and digital leadership, accompanied by mental flexibility
  3. Removing psychological barriers and concerns about using technology

Our code of ethics

  1. Our goal is first of all social. We deliver the basic lessons on a voluntary basis
  2. In order to continue offering the basic lessons free of charge, we operate in additional financial channels
  3. The transfer of knowledge as professionally as possible and in accordance with the third age
  4. We see ourselves as service providers and service at the highest level is very important to us
  5. Our learning process is based on creating successes and empowering the participants
  6. We believe in community work and learning in groups. we care
  7. We believe in meeting face to face, in joint learning with hugs and fun!
  8. To this end, we occasionally hold meetings with the course participants, both for repetition and enrichment as well as for creating personal meetings.
  9. Sometimes the meetings are held online. We don’t forget that there are people behind the screen.
  10. We believe in “intimate scalability” – expanding the community while maintaining the personal approach to each participant
  11. We work to receive constant feedback in order to improve our activities and products. To this end, we hold evaluation procedures that allow us to specialize for you and to constantly improve.
  12. Everyone is welcome and loved

The information displayed on the website and the responsibility for its use

The professional information presented on the website is correct as of the date of its publication. Naturally, technology changes at a rapid pace and there may be inaccuracies resulting from software or hardware changes that are newly released to controllers. We cannot be responsible for the use made based on this information.
We are attentive to correcting any mistakes and inaccuracies, but at the same time, it is important to understand that malfunctions may occur due to a misunderstanding of the materials on the site.
Please act carefully and if you are not sure of your actions, use additional factors. We cannot take responsibility for malfunctions that occur as a result of using the site, but you can contact us and we will try to help as much as possible.

The media, images and videos
We are very careful about the issue of intellectual property rights. All images, videos and written materials were created by us or taken with permission using CC0 open source materials.
If you come across your materials or copyrighted materials, please let us know and we will take care of it immediately.
If you want to use media from the site, it is best to contact us and ask us for permission.
Permission is hereby granted to use the website link on any platform. This is welcome and desirable and will also help us appear in the search engines. In that case, there is no need to ask us for permission and we will be happy to thank you for it personally.
We try not to reveal any identifying details in the videos. If such happened and appeared, we apologize in advance and as soon as we know about it, we will work to fix it.
Conducting the WhatsApp groups and email of the project
Do not use the phone numbers of the group members and managers to establish personal contact, through a message, call or any other means.
Be careful not to transfer phone numbers of group members to parties outside the group.
Be sure to use the group’s internal information appropriately, including using the phone numbers of its members. Inappropriate use is a violation of the Privacy Protection Act.
If you were harassed by another person from the group, report it to us or WhatsApp and we will try to get it taken care of as soon as possible.

Courses and workshops on behalf of Simple Tech
All rights to the classes are reserved to Simple Tech and materials from the website or recordings or photographs may not be transferred or copied without permission.
Participation in the activity with a cost, conditional on payment in advance.
Participation in free classes involves pre-registration and joining the Simple Tech community.
If the payment methods are not possible for you, we will be happy for you to contact us and we will make sure to find a solution.

Simply Tech reserves the right to make changes to the services offered, their terms and prices.
In classes where a recording will be sent, a link to watch will be sent after the purchase and will be available as detailed in the course conditions.
In cases where the course instructor is forced to be absent, Simple Tech will inform the course participants in advance.

Purchase courses on the website
A condition for purchasing on the website is that the purchasers are 18 years of age or older.

Product delivery policy
Simply Tech will ship the purchased products within a week from the date of purchase.
Digital products have no shipping cost.
In physical products, a shipping cost will be added according to the product as detailed in its description. A physical product will be sent by registered mail within 14 business days. The site will not be held responsible for delays and/or delays in shipping carried out by a third party that is affected by force majeure and/or strikes and/or shutdowns and/or non-response on the part of the customer to coordinate the shipment.

Product warranty
The company and/or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible for direct and/or indirect damage caused as a result of using the service and/or using a product purchased on the site, and what is said in it or presented in it, does not constitute a professional opinion. Any information that will be provided or any content that will appear in any of the forums, does not constitute professional advice, a recommendation or an opinion of one kind or another. In other words, the user is solely responsible for the use of the information found in the forum.
If you are not satisfied, please write to us and we will find a solution as best we can.
The purchased course recordings will remain available for at least six months.

Participation in classes, courses and workshops
Participants registered for the class will receive at the end a link to the recording for viewing for a time that will be defined in the terms of the course.
There may be a minimum number of participants to open a certain course or service.
If a lesson / course is not opened, it will be possible to participate in another activity at the same cost as the participant chooses.

A monetary credit will be possible up to 48 hours from the date of purchase, after that, you can receive a credit for redemption on the website.
Exceptional cases will be discussed individually.
It is not possible to receive a refund / credit for the purchase of a recorded lesson.
The date that determines the amount of the refund is the date of receipt of the request for cancellation in writing at the above email address.
Cancellation of participation will be done in writing by email [email protected] or by WhatsApp 0553062344.

Privacy, information collection and its use
By approving these regulations, you authorize us to send you updates and marketing messages.
You can always remove yourself from mailing lists.
Analytics and the Facebook pixel are used on the website. Beyond that, we undertake not to transfer your contact information to any third party.
We use Google Analytics software and JetPack statistics in order to understand the behavior of surfers.
The emails we request for joining the mailing list are managed on the MailChimp website, which is used to manage mailing lists and allows you to send, remove and update your information according to law.
The company is not responsible for injury or damage caused as a result of participating in one of the company’s WhatsApp groups.


If you encountered a problem or if you want to contact us, you can write to us through this form.

Business address: Gideon 28, Jerusalem, at Gabi Arnovitz’s

We are also available in the WhatsApp groups that can be reached from the main page on the website or by phone – 0553062344
Our website address –

We created this project with a lot of love.
I wish that the use of the site will bring us good and help us in improving the quality of our lives.