Wi-Fi: what it is, when to use it, and how

There are two ways to connect smartphones to the internet: mobile data, and Wi-Fi. Mobile data is the internet service provided to you by your sim card. This is available almost anywhere, but has its limits:

  • Using too much mobile data can end up costing you extra money.

  • Sometimes the internet works better over Wi-Fi.

For these reasons, it’s important to be able to connect to Wi-Fi when you can. In this guide, we’ll explain how to connect Android phones and iPhones to Wi-Fi, using videos and step-by-step instructions.

Connecting an Android phone

Step-by-step instructions (Android)

  1. Open the settings app
  2. Tap “Connections”
  3. Tap on “Wi-Fi”
  4. Find the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to and tap on it
  5. Enter the password if needed. You might have to ask someone for it. For example, if you’re at a cafe, you can ask a waitress.
  6. Tap on “connect” or “next”
  7. You should now be connected. You can make sure by checking if this symbol  is at the top of your screen.

Connecting an iPhone

Step-by-step instructions (iPhone)

  1. Open the settings app
  2. Tap “Wi-Fi”
  3. Find the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to and tap on it
  4. Enter the password if needed. You might have to ask someone for it. For example, if you’re at a cafe, you can ask a waitress.
  5. Tap “Join”
  6. You should now be connected. You can make sure by checking if this symbol  is at the top of your screen.
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